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What Are the Different Types of Fractures Injury Victims Might Suffer?

What Are The Different Types Of Fractures Injury Victims Might Suffer?

Recovering from a fracture can be annoying and painful. Unfortunately, broken bones are among the most common injuries in car collisions, slip and falls, and workplace accidents. The severity of your fracture and the resulting treatment plan may vary depending on the type of fracture you sustain. When you break a bone, it may heal on its own in a couple of weeks with a cast, or it could require surgery and physical therapy.

Common types of fractures that injury victims may suffer include:

  • Open fractures: When a bone breaks through the skin, it is an open fracture. These types of breaks are severe because they have a higher risk of infection.
  • Closed fractures: If a bone fracture didn’t break through the skin, it is a closed fracture. These fractures have less chance of infection since there is no open wound, but they can be just as painful as open fractures.
  • Greenstick fractures: A greenstick fracture is not a full break. Instead, it’s when a bone bends but doesn’t break. These fractures usually occur in children because their bones are more flexible than adult bones.
  • Comminuted fractures: When a bone breaks into multiple pieces, it is a comminuted fracture. These fractures are severe and usually require surgery to repair.
  • Hairline fractures: When there is a small crack in the bone, it is known as a hairline fracture. Hairline fractures are usually caused by repetitive stress or overuse. As a result, they are usually seen in athletes.
  • Displaced fractures: When a bone breaks and moves out of its normal position, surgery may be required to realign the bone. As a result, these severe fractures may take longer to heal.
  • Pathological fractures: Certain diseases or conditions, such as cancer or osteoporosis, can weaken bones. When bones are weak, they are more likely to break. When a bone breaks due to an illness that weakens the bone, it is known as a pathological fracture. These types of fractures are serious and may require surgery.
  • Avulsion fractures: When a small piece of bone breaks off because of a sudden and forceful muscle contraction, it is an avulsion fracture. These types of fractures are often seen in ankles and knees. These types of fractures do not usually require surgery.

The type of fracture you have will significantly impact the compensation you could recover because more severe fractures will take longer to heal. In addition, fractures like comminuted or displaced fractures may impact your day-to-day life for an extended period compared to a closed fracture, resulting in additional losses because of unpaid time off work.

Recoverable Compensation for Fractures

If someone else’s negligence caused an accident that resulted in your bones breaking, you could pursue compensation for your losses and suffering. For example, in New York, you could be eligible for compensation for the following:

  • Medical expenses: You can recover any medical expenses related to your injury, such as hospital bills, the cost of surgery, and casting costs.
  • Lost wages: If you miss work because of your broken bone, you could recover your lost wages for the at-fault party.
  • Disfigurement and scarring: If your broken bone causes disfigurement or scarring, you might be entitled to seek money for those losses.
  • Pain and suffering: Broken bones cause pain and can impact your daily life. You can seek compensation for those intangible losses.

Contact The Mandel Law Firm Today

At The Mandel Law Firm, we know how to pursue the compensation you need after someone else’s recklessness or negligence broke your bone. Contact us to get started on recovering the money you need. You can reach us for a confidential case evaluation and to discuss your legal options by calling (646) 779-1441.

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