When Are New York Motorists Drivers at the Highest Risk of Auto Crashes?

You may use extreme caution and exercise defensive driving practices every time you get behind the wheel, but the risk of car accidents is still present. Many of the threats center on timing, as evidenced by data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The statistics reveal that the potential for crashes is higher based upon the day, week, season, holidays, and many other factors. This information is helpful for all motorists traveling on US roadways, as you are in a better position to protect yourself when you know the most dangerous times to be driving. In some cases, you can avoid non-essential trips and take extra precautions when you do need to be out.
Because you cannot prevent motor vehicle collisions entirely, it is critical to get in touch with a New York car accident attorney right away if you were hurt. Still, you may find it helpful to check out some details on when motorists are at the highest risk of auto crashes.
Holidays Celebrations: The biggest issue with holidays is that people tend to celebrate by consuming alcoholic beverages, often at someone else’s home, a festival venue, special event, or establishment. Many make the poor decision to get behind the wheel of a car afterwards, which significantly increases the likelihood of an auto crash. It may not come as a shock to learn that the most dangerous holidays include:
- Valentine’s Day;
- Patrick’s Day;
- Memorial and Labor Days;
- The 4th of July;
- Halloween;
- Thanksgiving;
- Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; and,
- New Year’s Eve.
In addition, the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles also considers Superbowl Sunday to be a key date when it comes to drunk driving. Officials set up additional police teams and sobriety checkpoints, but they are not able to catch all who drive while intoxicated.
Fridays: For many people who work the typical 9-to-5, Monday through Friday shift, the end of the week is a time to unwind with a few drinks. You may see them knocking back a few anytime between 4pm and 7pm, so you might consider staying off New York roads around these hours. Fridays are also dangerous aside from alcohol consumption, since many workers may speed or run red lights in a hurry to get home for the weekend.
Evening Rush Hour in New York: From the perspective of time of day, most car accidents occur from 3pm to 6pm – i.e., the evening rush hour. Traffic can be extremely heavy or even gridlocked. Morning rush is also a concern, though to a lesser extent.
Midnight to 3 a.m.: The early morning hours are when most fatal DUI crashes occur, particularly on Saturday and Sunday. However, visibility from other vehicles’ headlights is also a key factor in accidents. An NHTSA study on nighttime glare found that light contrast reduces a driver’s seeing distance, resulting in:
- A shorter distance in terms of being able to see other cars and objects;
- An increase in reaction time, such that the motorists needs more time to adjust or alter course; and,
- Higher recovery time, in the sense of the eyes recovering the ability to detect objects after passing an oncoming vehicle.
Set Up a Free Case Evaluation with a New York Car Accident Lawyer
You cannot eliminate the inherent risk of auto crashes but, armed with this knowledge, you can at least reduce the threat by making safe choices. If you were hurt or lost a loved one in a collision, please contact The Mandel Law Firm right away. You can schedule a free consultation at our Manhattan office by calling (646) 770-3868 or filling out an online form. Once we review your circumstances, we can advise you on your legal remedies.