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James Nemia
Being able to settle a personal injury case for excellent compensation is always a superior option for a client, than the risk of going to trial. Attorney Jim Nemia is a master strategist in setting the stage for successful settlements, and negotiating great deals for clients.
Jim has a bottom line, down-to-earth approach to the law. “The truth is powerful. The practicalities of things are sometimes much more important than the legalities of things. I look at people’s interests. A lot of times you can satisfy a client’s interests best with a settlement, where you couldn’t with a court verdict or judgment,” says Nemia.
Jim’s exceptional skills played a crucial role in securing a $900,000.00 settlement in one of the firm’s recent medical malpractice cases. In that case, a surgeon severed major veins during what should have been a routine procedure, jeopardizing the client’s life and resulting in permanent, serious damage. Jim’s careful preparation laid the foundation for this impressive victory.
In fact, Jim has a long history of helping clients win even when the law or fact pattern favors the other side. In another significant $550,000.00 case success involving the wrongful death of a swimmer, he explains, “That was a complex case as far as liability. You may not always have the strongest case, but presentation and preparation are keys to success. Even if the law is not on your side, many times there are ways to win, or to negotiate a settlement that constitutes a win, for your client.”
Where do these amazing lawyer skills originate from? Well, you could say the law is in Jim Nemia’s blood. He comes from a long line of lawyers, including a father who has been practicing for more than 50 years. His sister, along with a number of uncles and cousins, are also eminent attorneys. Now a successful practitioner himself for almost 20 years, Jim is passionate about getting great results and winning cases for his clients.
Outside of law practice, Jim devotes a significant amount of his free time to charitable activities. Nursing home residents and soup kitchen guests are ever grateful for his family’s continual attention and care.
Jim is a Dean’s and President’s List graduate of the University of South Florida, and received his Juris Doctorate from Syracuse University College of Law in New York. An avid athlete and guitarist, Jim enjoys playing guitar with friends, hiking, skiing, tennis, and swimming. He and his wife Yvette have six young children. The values of passion, service and a winning approach to life, which have made Jim’s practice thrive, are gifts he’s passing along to his kids.
Bar Admissions
- New York, 1989
- U.S. District Court Northern District of New York, 1995
- U.S. District Court Southern District of New York, 1998
- U.S. District Court Eastern District of New York, 1998