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The Five Most Common Traumatic Brain Injuries

The Five Most Common Traumatic Brain Injuries

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed after a traumatic brain injury. The shock, the pain, the seemingly insurmountable road to recovery – it’s a lot to take in. Traumatic brain injuries are also disturbingly common. The CDC reports there were more than 69,000 deaths from traumatic brain injuries nationwide in one recent year.

If you have sustained a traumatic brain injury in an accident caused by someone else, The Mandel Law Firm understands your plight and stands beside you. As experienced New York brain injury attorneys, we’ve dedicated our lives to supporting people like you. We’ve compiled a comprehensive look at the five most common types of traumatic brain injuries for you here.


Concussions are the most common traumatic brain injuries and typically occur after a direct blow to the head. The force from a hard blow can shake the brain within the skull, resulting in temporary loss of normal brain function. Common symptoms of concussions include headaches, memory problems, confusion, dizziness, and changes in sleep patterns.


A contusion is a bruise on the brain caused by a direct impact on the head. This can result in bleeding or swelling in the brain, which may require surgical intervention if the contusion is large.

Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

A diffuse axonal injury occurs when the brain experiences a violent rotation or shaking motion. The strain on the brain can cause long connecting fibers called axons to stretch and tear. DAIs often occur in severe car accidents and can cause extensive, permanent damage.

Penetration Injuries

When an object penetrates the skull and enters the brain, it can cause severe, often permanent damage. Depending on the trajectory and force of the impact, the damage might be limited to a specific area, or it could be widespread. These injuries are often severe and require immediate medical attention.

Coup-Contrecoup Injuries

This type of traumatic brain injury happens when the force of a blow to the head is so great that it causes the brain to bounce off first one side of the skull and then the opposite side. This can lead to contusions at both the initial impact point and on the opposite side of the brain.

Consequences of Traumatic Brain Injuries

One reason traumatic brain injuries are so devastating is that they frequently have severe effects on your life, both in the short and long term. Some common short-term effects of traumatic brain injuries include:

  • Physical Symptoms: These can include headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, sleep disturbances, and sensitivity to light or sound. More severe TBIs may also cause seizures or loss of consciousness.
  • Cognitive Issues: Many individuals experience problems with memory and concentration after a TBI. They may also have difficulties with tasks that require planning, decision-making, or multitasking.
  • Speech and Language Problems: Depending on what area of the brain was injured, a TBI can cause difficulties with speech, language, and communication. This can range from mild issues, such as struggling to find the right words, to more severe problems like aphasia (a condition that affects a person’s ability to speak, write, and understand language).

As devastating as the short-term effects of a brain injury can be, the long-term effects are often just as harsh. Common long-term effects of traumatic brain injuries include:

  • Cognitive Impairment: People with brain injuries frequently experience ongoing issues with attention, concentration, and memory. They might also struggle with executive functions such as planning, organization, and decision-making.
  • Emotional and Psychological Effects: Long-term emotional consequences can include persistent mood swings, depression, anxiety, and increased risk for psychiatric disorders. Personality changes can also occur, potentially straining interpersonal relationships.
  • Physical Challenges: Long-lasting physical effects can range from chronic headaches and increased fatigue to difficulties with balance and coordination. Some individuals may develop seizure disorders or have ongoing issues with speech or vision.

Call a New York Personal Injury Lawyer

A TBI can impact your ability to work, study, and spend time with family and friends. You might lose your job, struggle to pay your bills, or find yourself socially isolated. The Mandel Law Firm wants to help you recover the money you need to rebuild your life after a traumatic brain injury. Call us at (646) 779-1441 or reach out online for a free case review.

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